The Web Junky ~ The Secondary Affects

China is the first country to declare an epidemic on internet addiction.   The movie Web Junky shown tonight (7/13/2015) on PBS will depict China’s treatment and stance on subject.  Children and young adults spending are over 8-11 hours a day on the internet. Read this article – 11 symptoms of internet addiction.. are you one of these?

The Secondary Effects of this ‘NEW’ problem is not new… and no revelation.  Musculoskeletal disorders have been at the forefront of this epidemic since the early 1990’s.   Disorders such as  carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) the most notorious, thoracic outlet, deQuervains syndrome, elbow, wrist, finger repetitive strain disorders along with neck, shoulder, and lower back strain all became a worker compensation nightmare for the employer and a money maker for the doctor with a surgery that that only has a 50-50 chance of success. Not very good odds and is often repeated several times.

Ergonomics in the new tech world do not exist due to the mobil workstation.  Sit anywhere and work, hunched over a laptop, cell phone, iPad, texting clients etc.. the real epidemic is coming or has it arrived for us to take notice now.

In our schools, it is mandatory to take a computer class but ERGONOMICS and BODY CARE are not taught. I went into my grandsons class at age 7 and there was not one workstation that would fit the size body of a child.

The real epidemic will be generations of children, teens, young adults just like Max, an 11 year old who invented a wrist cushion for his CTS.  Future generations are all at risk of unnecessary surgeries for carpal tunnel and the loss of a workforce due to the secondary complications.  Learn more on internet, social media statistics.

I wrote my new End Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Without Surgery with children in mind and dedicated it to them. I have an At A Glance echart for kids.  I did this back in the 90’s and when no one would recognize the impending dangers of the gaming and internet world to our children.  Time to take preventative action and save your child from years of pain and possibly useless arms and hands, eye sight problems and so much more.

A growing body is at risk and the internet can and will destroy it.