Testimonials REV CORE PRO™


If you have found results from Rev Core Pro™, please tell me about it ~ Kate

Sports Touch
John assessed the mechanics of the Rev Core Pro™ and as a coach and former baseball pitcher saw the true value for its balance training capabilities. Balance is a key aspect of pitching and usually nothing is really done to perfect it. To be in a position of balance is to be in a position of power.  The three most important parts of pitching are location, movement and velocity, and they depend on a pitcher’s balance.     ... Read More
Sports Touch
 A Balanced Psychic Spin ~ When I first saw Kate spin on the Rev, as a psychic, I was totally amazed! Kate’s aura came in close around her body like a safe blanket and all of her chakras started spinning in harmony. I immediately thought to myself, “I must try that as soon a possible. Needless to say, when I first stepped onto my Rev, it was a lot harder than Kate makes it look. I spent the first few weeks just simply training by body to get comfortable with the motion of the spinning. ... read more
Sports Touch
In 2002, I had eye surgery where I lost my site in one eye. I was told I was blind and that was it. But I have great friends and colleagues who told me about alternative methods to get my site back… and I did over time. But I was also left with a balance problem, feeling very unsure of how to navigate.   I met a wonderful man named Billy Hartz. He invented a balance device that had multiple inclines. The idea was to spin in control with your eyes closed. Really!! I remember watching this very talk and big man effortlessly spin with his eyes closed, I said I can’t do that. But I did… it took me three months to regain my full balance and spin up to a 10 degree incline. But there was also another positive side affect to the spinning… my vision improved!! Spinning affects the cerebellum and the optic nerve to help with eyesight as well as the vestibular system in the ear. I now have 20/50 in this eye and I owe it all to Billy and his genius. I also do the vision exercises in the two-minute energy balance to keep my eyes strong and centered
Sports Touch
Aside from the obvious benefits to do with core stability and spatial awareness, I feel that regular use actually helps to reduce sensory stress on the body via activating vestibular based proprioception (less effort required to orient ones self in space) and left-right brain integration. Flow on effects then are increased energy and motility, confidence in ones body and improved adaptation to stress.
Sports Touch
If sports is said to be a game of inches, the REV CORE PRO™ (Formerly named the  Billy Board), a balance skill disc may make the difference between winning and losing. The faster an athlete can process the visual information from the eyes and respond to it with an action of the motor system, the better their performance. Balance continues to be one the most under-trained components of athletic skills. The REV CORE PRO™ is an invaluable tool in our performance-training program. This instrument teaches athletes to lower their center gravity, improve balance, and stimulate the vestibular-ocular system to gain better control of their body movements and reaction time. Numerous professional and amateur athletes have used the REV CORE PRO™ with great success as an integral part of our sports vision program. We have used the Billy Board (now named the REV CORE PRO™) since 1998 in our sports vision program.

Sports Touch
Of all the senses, balance keeps the best in the symphony of the brain. It’s the integrating sense. People should practice balance, because it develops athletic ability and confidence. And I am absolutely convinced it increases our thinking ability. The Billy Board (Now named the REV CORE PRO™) is a challenging balance exercise. It stimulates the vestibular system. And that is very important to our health and our higher order thinking skills.
Sports Touch
If you’re out of balance, you’re stressing one part of the body more than another. We’re trying to bring balance to that with the Billy Board (Now called the REV CORE PRO™). The disc is an unusually durable piece of balance equipment that can be utilized in a K-12 school setting. It can be used as part of a circuit, a warm-up activity, or as a tool that illustrates vestibular balance. I used the apparatus for some 15 years in Seattle Schools and continue to use it at Seattle Pacific University in the teacher preparation program.
Sports Touch
Practicing natural balance reflexes with the REV function like a reset for me, counteracting the limiting sitting time required during work. Posture, balance, gait and movement quality improve immediately as does awareness. Practicing with the REV thus allows me to enjoy and explore movement in sports and as a being. This allows me to live my active lifestyle to its fullest potential.